Compete … Play … Win
Tom Diener System Overview
All drills teach players to COMPETE and FINISH.
Teach very specific and highly defined skills in a simple competitive manner.
All drills teach both offense and defense and always reinforce good habits - never bad habits.
One press breaker invented by Dean Smith that can be employed against all presses.
Out of bounds plays with great spacing and angles that require little time to master but ensure successful entry.
Man defensive system that is simple and straight forward to teach with specific drills to teach specific skills.
Control tempo on every single possession relative to time and score.
Teach players to better understand their individual strengths and weaknesses and accept their role on both ends.
Teach players defensive roles that embody their individual abilities.
How to be successful versus a half court or quarter court 1-3-1 zone.
Game management “It’s not what you tell your players that counts, it’s what they hear, and can execute”
Clear and concise communication with players in all settings.
Practice to beat the best.
How to get along with parents, agents, school administrators and the media.
Proven quick hitter plays verses man defense.
Motion principles verses zone defense.