Compete … Play … Win

Tom Diener System Overview

  • All drills teach players to COMPETE and FINISH.

  • Teach very specific and highly defined skills in a simple competitive manner.

  • All drills teach both offense and defense and always reinforce good habits - never bad habits.

  • One press breaker invented by Dean Smith that can be employed against all presses.

  • Out of bounds plays with great spacing and angles that require little time to master but ensure successful entry.

  • Man defensive system that is simple and straight forward to teach with specific drills to teach specific skills.

  • Control tempo on every single possession relative to time and score.

  • Teach players to better understand their individual strengths and weaknesses and accept their role on both ends.

  • Teach players defensive roles that embody their individual abilities.

  • How to be successful versus a half court or quarter court 1-3-1 zone.

  • Game management “It’s not what you tell your players that counts, it’s what they hear, and can execute”

  • Clear and concise communication with players in all settings.

  • Practice to beat the best.

  • How to get along with parents, agents, school administrators and the media.

  • Proven quick hitter plays verses man defense.

  • Motion principles verses zone defense.

Tom Diener Teleconference

$600 for teleconference presentation and consultation.

$100 for each subsequent 1 hour consultation.

Tom Diener In Person Clinic

$1200 per session

9 am to 12 noon with the coaches, and 1 pm to 3 pm with the players.

$100 for each subsequent 1 hour consultation.